First milestone this week: We took the guardrail off Collin's bed. He had started playing with it during naps and bedtime, so it was time for it to go. For the first couple of nights, we put couch cushions on the floor by his bed, but he didn't need them.
Second milestone: We had to lower Jenna's bed. She's been pulling herself up in her crib, so we had to lower the mattress a little bit. From the looks of it, we will be lowering it all the way in the very near future.
Third milestone: Collin got his first bike. We picked this bike up at a yardsale this afternoon. As soon as he saw it at the yard sale, he yelled, "It's Collin's bike! Need Daddy get Collin's bike!" We decided to give it to him right away, since his birthday isn't until December. He LOVES his bike, and I'm thankful for yardsales!
Every milestone is bittersweet. Each one marks the beginning of new exciting things to come, but it also means that my babies are growing up too fast. I'm so thankful to live in a time when I can capture each stage and every little milestone on camera.