Tuesday, December 16

UB News

UB news in short? There is no news. So far, there's been no action. UB is officially 3 days late, but I'm not too bothered by it yet. I've always told myself that this baby wasn't coming until Christmas so I wasn't super disappointed to see the 13th come and go with no baby. I would definitely not complain if things started happening at any moment, though. It's the only time in my life that I've actually hoped to not feel fine and to feel some pain. I go to the doctor this afternoon, so hopefully we'll hear that at least some progress is being made. They said at my appointment last Monday that they don't typically let people go more than 5 or 6 days past their due date before inducing, so 5 or 6 days would put us at Thursday or Friday. So, regardless, we're planning on having this baby this week. However, as my mom pointed out to me, when she was pregnant with me they tried to induce 3 times and I just wouldn't budge until I was good and ready to come out.

I promise that when there's real news to tell, I'll post (or Matt will) as soon as I can. Speaking of which, I will probably send out a mass text at least to family when there is news to share. Let me know if you want to be included in that. If you're not sure I have your phone number, send that to me also.

In the meantime, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Have a great day!!!

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