Once again, I find myself thinking about blogging regularly, but my mind does not stay on one pursuit for very long (Matt says that if I had gone to public school they would have decided that I was ADD and put me on Ritalin.) so I may post this one entry and then forget about it for several months again, but it's possible that this time I could just stick with it. Seventeenth times a charm, right?
Today is Matt's last day at Handyman Matters. For several months now, he has only worked at Handyman Matters a couple of days a week because they just have not had enough work for him. The other days he has been doing side jobs and working on building a business of his own that would keep him busy full-time. In the past month, his side jobs have really picked up and Handyman Matters jobs have really slowed down, and it became clear to us that now was the time to take that big, scary (but exciting) leap of faith into being totally self-employed. We are so excited about the new business. Matt is officially The Neighborhood Handyman. For the summer, I am working in "the office" (a.k.a the corner of our living room) as the phone answerer, job scheduler, paperwork doer, etc. Our hope is that eventually the business will be thriving enough that I will be able to work from home year round as the office worker, but that's a little ways down the road. For now we are simply praying that the jobs keep coming in. Please keep us in your prayers as we work to get the business off the ground. Also, if you need any work done around your house call (or email) The Neighborhood Handyman. He really is amazing and can do pretty much anything. :-) Below is a copy of his ad that appeared this month in the local Home Improvement Guide.

Have a great day!
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