Saturday I went yardsaling with my mom (got some great deals on things I probably didn't need), and then we spent the rest of the day hanging out at my brothers house with him and his family. We hung out in his pool with his kids for a while, and Collin (with the aid of a life jacket) finally mustered up the courage to be in the big pool without someone holding onto him. After swimming, we had a cookout. My brother and his wife prepared some AMAZING food. While the adults were enjoying steak tips, my kids were more than happy with watermelon and hot dogs.
Collin LOVED the pool, but Jenna was not too sure about it.
When Collin's toes and lips started to turn purple, he and Matt joined us in the hot tub. I swear, despite what the picture looks like, the Montgomerys did not kick the Akerbergs out of their hot tub.
All the swimming and good food left my kiddos exhausted, so Jenna snuggled with Aunt Krista and Collin watched Thomas with his cousin Apryl.
On Sunday, we visited my parents church. They did a program for the 4th of July, and then they had a picnic on the grounds. My baby brother put the whole thing together, and he did an awesome job. After church and a nap, we went candlepin bowling with my parents, my brother Josh and his fiance Breana, and my brother Arik's family. Apparently, I come by my "crappy bowler" status honestly, because we all did awful! I think Collin (2 1/2) and Apryl (almost 5) did better than anybody else. Of course, they were using bumpers and ramps, so they had an advantage.

Me and my baby girl at the church picnic

Collin and Apryl had their own bowling lane, because nobody else wanted to use bumpers. Here they are being cute together.
We also went to fireworks on Sunday night. My kids LOVED them! Collin's running commentary the whole time went something like this, "I love fireworks! Fireworks loud. I love loud! That one's red. I love the red one! I like that one Mommy! Doggie want watch fireworks. Doggie loves that one, Mommy! I like that one, too!" Meanwhile, Jenna squealed the whole time and tried to reach out and grab the fireworks. I felt bad for the people just a little ways in front of us with a screaming kid, but I also couldn't help thinking, "Better them than me!" Is that terrible? Sadly my camera died, and I have no pictures of my kids at the fireworks. :-(
On Monday morning, my dad, Josh, Breana, Matt, and I climbed Mt. Major. My awesome mom graciously offered to watch the kids so Matt and I could go. Even though it was hot and sticky, we had a great time. I've climbed the mountain so many times that the hike was really like taking a trip down memory lane.
Josh and Breana taking a break
At the top

Exhausted at the bottom

The only even halfway decent family picture we got all weekend
Matt took Collin out in the boat.
The princess with her grandpa

Jenna and her cousin Apryl at the church picnic
Collin being handsome at the church picnic (My ten year old niece Ally took this picture).
Me and my baby girl at the church picnic
Collin and Apryl had their own bowling lane, because nobody else wanted to use bumpers. Here they are being cute together.
We also went to fireworks on Sunday night. My kids LOVED them! Collin's running commentary the whole time went something like this, "I love fireworks! Fireworks loud. I love loud! That one's red. I love the red one! I like that one Mommy! Doggie want watch fireworks. Doggie loves that one, Mommy! I like that one, too!" Meanwhile, Jenna squealed the whole time and tried to reach out and grab the fireworks. I felt bad for the people just a little ways in front of us with a screaming kid, but I also couldn't help thinking, "Better them than me!" Is that terrible? Sadly my camera died, and I have no pictures of my kids at the fireworks. :-(
On Monday morning, my dad, Josh, Breana, Matt, and I climbed Mt. Major. My awesome mom graciously offered to watch the kids so Matt and I could go. Even though it was hot and sticky, we had a great time. I've climbed the mountain so many times that the hike was really like taking a trip down memory lane.
Me - about halfway up the mountain
Josh and Breana taking a break
At the top
Exhausted at the bottom
Monday afternoon we went to a family friend's house for a cookout. We had a lot of fun boating and swimming, but we were SO TIRED by the time we left for home.
My cute kids
The only even halfway decent family picture we got all weekend
Matt took Collin out in the boat.
The princess with her grandpa
We left NH at 9:20 pm Monday and arrived home at 4:21am Tuesday. That seemed like one of the longest drives ever. We had had a great weekend, but we packed it so full of family fun that we were exhausted by the time we went home. I drove most of the way because Matt had hurt his ankle hiking Mt. Major, and I sent this text to my brother less than 2 hours into the drive, "I'm already sucking on fireballs to stay awake. This could be a very long night!" (We had stopped somewhere; I was NOT texting and driving). Thankfully, with the exception of being passed on the highway by someone going the wrong direction who crashed into the guardrail right after he passed us, the trip was uneventful.
PS. This may be my longest post ever. Sorry about that, but it was a busy weekend. On the plus side, it has WAY more pictures than normal. :-)
PPS. Giving credit where credit is due: Most of these pictures were taken by either Arik or Krista with their really awesome camera.
PS. This may be my longest post ever. Sorry about that, but it was a busy weekend. On the plus side, it has WAY more pictures than normal. :-)
PPS. Giving credit where credit is due: Most of these pictures were taken by either Arik or Krista with their really awesome camera.