For the last several gift-giving occasions, Matt had asked for a fishing pole. Knowing next to nothing about fishing, I was at a loss about what to get him even when he tried to explain to me what he wanted. I asked several friends who know more than I do about fishing, I asked the salespeople at sports stores, but I still was not confident that I could pick out the right thing. If the present were for anybody else, I would give them money and say, "Go pick out what you want." However, since we're talking about my husband here and all the money belongs to both of us, it would be pretty dumb to just "give" him money that already belongs to him. When I reached the peak of my frustration over the situation, I had an idea - a pretty good one if you ask me. I decided to give Matt something that would say, "This is symbolic of your real present. Go pick out what you want."
All of that explanation leads up to this: Matt's present for Father's Day from the kids and me was a Spiderman fishing pole that he could use to teach Collin how to fish.
You would think that Collin knew the present was for him, too, with the way he was trying to get in on the present-opening action.
After church, our Sunday afternoon nap, and a stop at Wal-mart for worms ("yucky worms" if you ask Collin), we went to a park with a pond for Collin's first fishing lesson. At first, the fish were too fast - they grabbed the worm and swam away before Matt and Collin could get them on the hook. This happened so many times initially that Collin thought the purpose of fishing was to lose the worm. He kept exclaiming, "Yay! We lost the worm! Need get 'nother one worm!" If we had never gotten a fish, he would have been happy because he had no idea that getting a fish was the point of fishing.
Getting a 'nother one worm - Collin was afraid to touch them

Waiting patiently for a fish (That's what the picture looks like anyway, but in reality I had to snap this picture very quickly, because the fish came and took the worm pretty quickly).
Getting a 'nother one worm - Collin was afraid to touch them
Waiting patiently for a fish (That's what the picture looks like anyway, but in reality I had to snap this picture very quickly, because the fish came and took the worm pretty quickly).
Eventually, they caught an actual fish, and Collin has been IN LOVE with fishing ever since. He was so proud of his fish! It was so fun to see him so excited!
Collin was very proud to be showing off his first fish!
Perfect Collin-sized fish (I have no idea what kind it is)
Taking after her mother, the princess has very little interest in fishing. :-)
After we fished for a while, we spent some time at the playground, and I was able to get some cute pictures of my kids and their amazing dad.
I love the way Collin is looking up at Matt here.
Collin and Jenna are seriously the luckiest kids in the world, because their dad truly is the most wonderful man in the world! We love you, Matt! Thanks for being amazing!
PS. The following Tuesday we went to Dick's Sporting Goods, and Matt picked out his ow fishing pole. He hasn't used it yet, though, because he doesn't have a fishing license.
PPS. I've been way behind on my blogging lately, but I'm going to work on catching up. The following posts should be coming shortly:
- Summer Catch-up Posts Part 2: 4th of July
- Summer Catch-up Posts Part 3: Camping and Corn on the Cob
- Catan cake
- Monkey See. Monkey Do.
- Garden Update
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