Wednesday, November 26

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a month it's been since I posted last! We have so been so busy! We are 2 1/2 weeks out from UB'S due date (They changed my due date to the 13th instead of the 8th.) so we've been busy getting things ready for the big day. Last week, the church threw me a baby shower and I'm so excited about and thankful for the generosity of the ladies in our church. We received so many things, so now I feel so much more ready for this baby. (I'm sure that I will never be totally ready, but at least now we have some clothes, a place for the baby to sleep, and diapers). Other than baby stuff, I have been very busy trying to get school stuff organized for maternity leave. Matt has been busy working for Handyman Matters and filling in the slow times with some side jobs. In our spare time, we've been making sure to spend some time just enjoying our time together since we know life will never be the same as soon as UB makes his appearance. We were able to spend a day in DC about a week and a half ago and we've been able to spend a couple of days just lazing around the apartment sleeping in (Rumor has it that we won't be able to do that much in the coming months/years), hanging out, etc.

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving (and I can't go to bed until my laundry is done and I can get my PJs), I thought I'd take a moment to list some of the things that I'm most thankful for. Of course, I can't list them all (that would take forever), but I'll give it my best shot.
  1. My salvation - I feel that I so often take my salvation for granted, but when I really take the time to ponder it I'm in awe over what Christ has done for me and how undeserving I am of His amazing grace.
  2. Matthew - I could not imagine a more loving, amazing husband. He's so good to me! I'm so thankful that he works incredibly hard to make sure that he will be able to provide for me and for UB. He has been so wonderful through this entire pregancy. He's patient and kind and so helpful around the house. He even helps with my schoolwork when he can.
  3. My family - I love my family. I'm so thankful for my parents, all my brothers and sisters (and in-laws), and all the nieces and nephews. We're all pretty crazy - especially when we're all together - but I love how close we all are and how much fun we all have together.
  4. Godly friends - I'm very thankful for the friends we have at church, at volleyball, and from college. Even though some of my best friends are all the way across the country, I'm so thankful for the influence they have been and continue to be in my life.
  5. A healthy and relatively easy pregnancy - I'm so thankful that everything has gone so well with this pregnancy. The baby is healthy and has had no complications. I have not had to deal with sickness. I don't wake up at night to pea or readjust or anything. I can still be on my feet all day without pain (which is good since teaching requires being on my feet most of the time). And to top it off, my rings still fit, I can still wear my 4 inch heels, and I still have the energy to run up the stairs at school and our apartment.

Well, the pajamas are dry and Matt's falling asleep so I'll leave it at those things for now. Have a fabulous thanksgiving!!!

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