Sunday, June 13

Sorry, Collin, the answer is NO

No matter how much you beg, you will not be attempting to sail around the world by yourself (or any other such insane venture) when you're 16. Yes, I do want you to live a long, exciting, and full life, and that is exactly why the answer is "NO". I want you to be around to enjoy life beyond 16 years old. I realize that it's a good thing you actually want to do something instead of sit around playing video games, and I'm not opposed to sailing - just not around the world. I also realize that kids die in car crashes and crossing the street and that I can't protect you from everything, but I as long as you live in our house, we can somewhat protect you from your own stupid ideas and unnecessary risks - that's why teenagers have parents. Oh, and yes, I also realize that teenagers way back in the day we're considered adults. Those teenagers, however, also had all the responsibilities of an adult - not just the privileges. Life was a lot harder back then, and kids grew up a lot faster. I love you, and that's why the answer is "No!"
P.S. I'm sure if you would like to go sailing Grandpa would love to take you, but I probably won't let you go around the world in a sailboat with him, either.
I'm sure many of you have read the story of Abby Sunderland, the 16 year old who didn't make it around the world. I am happy for her and her family that she has been rescued, but I can't help but wonder, "What in the world were her parents thinking?!?" I have read all her parents' rationale that they've given to the press, and they all seem like really stupid arguments. Teenagers are notorious for dumb ideas - that's why they have parents. For the record, many people are saying that nobody would be suggesting a poor parental decision if she had actually made it. I came across her blog in January when she first started out and commented to Matt that it was a very stupid idea. Again, I'm glad she has endeavored to do something with her life besides play video games and go shopping. I'm also very happy that is safe and sound. However, I still stand by original statement - if my child asks me if he can sail around the world all by himself, the answer is NO!

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