Wednesday, March 23

New Look

As you may have noticed, I've made some changes to the look of my blog. The new background seemed to fit the season, so this is will be the look until something else strikes my fancy.

Unfortunately, I'm not as blog-savvy as some of the rest of you, so I do have a couple of questions:
  • I would like to put a picture of my family at the top of the blog. How do I do that?
  • How do I make tabs at the top that a reader can click on to find posts about a certain topic? I know I can put labels on them that show up on the side, but I wanted something on the top.
Thanks for your help!!


  1. I had a post addressing all of this and it's gone. I'll try and remember it!

  2. As far a adding pages:
    Go to your dashboard page
    Click on Design
    Find an "add a gadget" button and click it
    Up will pop up a list of all gadgets for use
    Find the add a page button, should be the 4th button
    Click it and follow the directions

    Hope this helps. We can always talk on the phone and I'll walk you through it

    Ps: remove the word verification!! You can set it so only registered user can post.

  3. I've not figured how to post a picture behind my header. If you figure it outer me know! For me, I have a family pic on the side bare and individual pics in my pages. I'm still learning but love it!! And it's cheaper than going to a therapist!!
